Selasa, 09 Agustus 2022

6 Hybrid te roser til din have


Hybrid te roser er den mest populære sort blandt haven roser, der er kendt for deres levende farver og elegance. De første hybridte roser blev skabt i Frankrig i midten af 1800-erne ved at krydsavle den store "Hybrid Perpetuals" rose med den høje, elegante "Tea Rose" sort.

De resulterende roser var hårdere med en bedre evne til gentagelsesblomstring. Mange hybrid te rose sorter bliver introduceret for at imødekomme producenternes krav.

Karakteristik af Hybrid Tea Rose

Blomsterne af hybrid te rose er store, normalt 4-5 inches på tværs, og har omkring 30-50 kronblade. De blomstrer rigeligt om foråret og gentager resten af vækstsæsonen med jævne mellemrum indtil efteråret, når de har en anden stor blomstring, der er mindre end den første blomstring om foråret.

Hybrid te roser er standarden for afskårne blomster på grund af deres store udseende med lange stængler, levende farver og mangebladede blomster. Disse roser har en elegant form, dejlig duft og en række farveindstillinger.

Nedenfor er nogle berømte hybrid te roser, der er populære blandt dyrkere og udstillere.

Mr. Lincoln Rød Te Rose

Mr. Lincoln Red Tea Rose

1. Mr. Lincoln Hybrid Tea Rose

Mr. Lincoln hybrid tea rose is a classic red tea rose. These roses are double and large with wine-red velvety petals. This plant is easy to grow in all climates and is one of the most fragrant among hybrid tea roses. It was bred by Swim & Weeks (United States, 1964).

This rose is a perennial that grows to about 30-60 inches in height with a spread of 24-36 inches. This plant bears long pointed buds that bloom from late spring to fall. The roses have a powerful damask fragrance and are borne on long stems.

"Mr. Lincoln" grows well in well-draining soil rich in organic matter. It grows well in full sun in areas where the summers are cool, but they need afternoon shade in areas where the summers are hot with low humidity. They bloom in early summer and throughout the season.

Veterans' Honor Tea Rose

Veterans' Honor Tea Rose

2. Veterans’ Honor Hybrid Tea Rose

The "Veterans’ Honor" hybrid tea rose has deep, dark red blooms with a fragrance resembling that of the berries. It was introduced in 1999 to honor the men and women of the American Armed Forces.

The roses of this plant are red and are borne on extra long firm stems and are a great choice for cut flowers. They are double, 5 inches wide, with highly-centered 25 to 30 deep red petals, and have a light raspberry scent.

The "Veterans’ Honor" was bred in 1997 in the United States of America by Dr. Keith Zary. It was created by crossing the "Showstopper" roses with an offspring pollen plant from the "Royalty" hybrid tea roses.

The Veteran’s Honor tea rose grows to a height of about 4-5 feet. These plants need a lot of sunlight in order to bloom abundantly. They bloom over the entire growing season in repeated flushes. They flourish in locations that have well-draining soils in areas that do not stay damp for long periods.


3. Peace Hybrid Tea Rose

The “Peace” multicolored hybrid tea rose is one of the most popular roses with perfect form and large, double blossoms that are slightly ruffled.

The roses are bright yellow with soft pink edges, measure about six inches across, and have a mild fruity fragrance. The "Peace" hybrid tea rose was created by the French hybridizer Francis Meilland in Lyon.

These plants flourish in climates with cool summers and bloom in flushes from spring to fall. They are bushy, upright with large glossy dark green leaves, and grow up to 4-7 feet tall with a spread of 2-3 feet. They grow well in full sun, well-draining, rich fertile soil with adequate moisture.

Garden Party Tea Rose

Garden Party Tea Rose

4. Garden Party Hybrid Tea Rose

The “Garden Party” hybrid tea rose is a bush that grows to 3-7 feet in height. The roses are white, with pale yellow undertones and a hint of pink. They repeatedly bloom in double form and are slightly fragrant. The blooms are about 5 inches wide with a mild fragrance and make great cut flowers.

This plant grows well in full sun in moist, well-draining soils. Fertilize the plant with an all-purpose granular fertilizer in early spring and after a blooming period.

This rose was bred in 1959 in the United States by Herbert Swim, a well-known rose breeder from California. The “Garden Party” was created by crossing the “Charlotte Armstrong” rose with the “Peace” hybrid tea rose.

Rosa Queen of the Lakes

Rosa Queen of the Lakes

5. Queen of the Lakes Hybrid Tea Rose

The “Queen of the Lakes” hybrid tea rose is a bushy shrub that grows up to 3-4 feet tall and has a spread of 2-3 feet. The roses of this plant are double, measuring 5 inches across with 26-40 velvety dark red petals that are highly centered. This variety of tea rose was bred by the Brownell Family (the United States, 1948).

The flowers are borne on long stems, making them an ideal choice for cut flowers. The leaves are deep green and glossy. This rose blooms in flushes from spring to fall.

The “Rosa Queen of the Lake” flourishes in full sun, rich fertile soil that is well-draining with adequate moisture. Prune this plant during spring by removing old canes and dead or diseased wood.

Curly Pink Hybrid Tea Rose

Curly Pink Hybrid Tea Rose

6. Curly Pink Hybrid Tea Rose

The “Curly Pink” is a hardy hybrid tea rose free-flowering with stunning pink flowers packed with 50 curly petals. This variety was bred by the Brownell family in the United States in 1948.

It is a bushy upright shrub that grows up to 3-4 feet tall with a spread of 2-3 feet. It has deep green, glossy leaves and is well-known for its disease resistance and vigor.

The flowers are borne on long stems, making them perfect for cutting; they bloom from spring to fall.

The “Curly Pink” flourishes in full sun, rich fertile, well-draining soil with adequate moisture. The best time to prune this plant is in spring.


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© 2022 Nithya Venkat

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